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Actors Rehearsing

Course Descriptions

Technical Theatre Beginning

Students explore the various aspects of design and production for theatre. Areas of study may include scenery, lighting, sound, makeup, properties, costumes, and stage management.


Technical Theatre Intermediate

Prerequisite - Technical Theatre Beginning

Students develop technical skills through design and production. Technical support for school productions requires participation in after-school rehearsals and performances.


Technical Theatre Proficient Honors

Prerequisite - Technical Theatre Intermediate  

Students who have demonstrated a high skill level in technical theatre can continue to study various areas of technical theatre by focusing on more advanced design and production skills. Students are expected to participate in after-school rehearsals and performances as well as provide technical support for school- based events.


Technical theatre Advanced Honors

Prerequisite - Technical Theatre Proficient

Technical Theater is geared towards learning through production work.  They will continue to learn increasingly more difficult theatre stage design, set and property construction, costumes, make-up, stage lighting, production crew, stage manager, director, and assistant director.  Students are required to participate in productions for the school. 


Theater Appreciation

The purpose of this course is to increase students' understanding, appreciation, and critical perceptions of the theatrical event. Readings and lessons will focus on the elements of theatrical practice; artists and innovators of theatre throughout history.


Musical Theater Production

Musical Theatre will expose students to a wide range of onstage performance disciplines, including acting performance, vocal performance, and dance performance. The course will also provide an atmosphere in which students benefit from a teaching and learning experience in these performance disciplines of musical theatre. Students will receive comprehensive and rigorous instruction so that they may make informed choices about the craft. The course will enhance and cultivate the creative gifts of each student while encouraging a sense of self-confidence. The course will enable students to study and perform the varied styles of musical theatre with special attention to the principles of stage movement, stage vocal technique, stage choreography, acting, characterization, and all other aspects of musical production. The students in this class will also be REQUIRED to take part in the Spring Musical. 


Introduction to Acting theatre I Beginning

This course covers the fundamentals of acting and character development.  Students create believable characters through improvisation, pantomime/mime, monologues, two-person scenes and group scenes. Blocking techniques, vocal work, body movements and facial expressions are areas explored by Theatre I students.  Students are required to attend one theatrical performance each semester and critique the play.  Students also read a play each semester.


Theatre II Intermediate: Styles of Acting

Prerequisite - Introduction to Acting Theatre I Beginning

This course complements the work begun in Theatre I by incorporating a study of the styles of stage performance.  Scenes from different historical periods and cultural perspectives are selected, directed and performed by the students under the supervision of the instructor.  Learning lines is a requirement of this course.  Students perform audition style monologues and produce an analysis for a one-act play they might direct.  In addition, students are required to audition for all after school theatre productions.  Note:  Acceptance of a role is not required. Attendance at a minimum of one theatrical performance each quarter is required and attendance at local school performances is encouraged.


Theatre III Proficient Honors

Prerequisite - Theatre II Intermediate: Styles of Acting

This course extends the concepts and skills developed in Theatre II by incorporating a study of multiple acting techniques, including Stanislavski’s and Uta Hagen’s techniques.  Students complete independent scene work, develop a professional acting portfolio, and extend their knowledge of theatre history.  Students produce and audition a full length student directed project.  In addition, Theatre III students audition for all school productions.  Note:  Acceptance of a role is not required. Attendance at a minimum of one theatrical performance each quarter is required and this should include attendance at one of the school theatre productions.


Theater IV Advanced Honors

Prerequisite - Theatre III Proficient Honors

Honors Theater IV operates as an independent production company run by students producing formal and informal theater that is relevant to their community.  It explores many styles of theater and is evaluated for process, content and production quality, based on evaluation tools developed by the ensemble.  Design of a full theatrical season and the completion of at least three formally produced shows within that season is required.


Vocal Music Beginning

This introductory course is open to all students who have an interest in singing. In this class, choral literature is studied in both classical and contemporary fields. Some study is given to a review of the mechanics of music, composers, and music appreciation. Emphasis is placed on correct vocal production, proficiency in music reading, and performance skills. Participation in after-school rehearsals and performances is expected.


Vocal Music Intermediate

Prerequisite - Vocal Music Beginning

Students will demonstrate proficient skills relating to vocal production, music theory knowledge, and performance techniques. This group studies and performs more advanced levels of choral literature, including diverse genres and historical periods. Emphasis is on refined tone quality, balance, intonation, interpretation, and ear- training. Strong sight-reading and musical literacy skills are prerequisite to participate at this level of study. Students continue developing vocal skills through extensive study of classical and contemporary works. Adequate proficiency in sight-reading and a basic understanding of the fundamentals of music are necessary because of the vast amount of choral literature taught and memorized during the year. Participation in after-school rehearsals and performances is expected.


Vocal Music Proficient Honors

Prerequisite - Vocal Music Intermediate

Success at the honors level requires rigorous study, excellence in performance, extensive knowledge of all areas of music including music theory, and an in-depth study of a variety of advanced music literature. Participation in after-school rehearsals and performances is expected.

These are suggested course sequences. Communicate with your school counselor to determine the best course options for you/your student.


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