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This curriculum guide is designed to assist students and their parents in planning the high school course schedules. All students and parents should read this information carefully and give deliberate thought to the student’s aptitude, interests, and future plans when selecting courses. Please be aware that this guide is intended to give information about courses which may be offered. The final school schedule is based on a variety of factors, and course offerings may change. 

Using this Guide

As you plan your course schedule, please remember these items:

  • Typically, high school credits are earned in grades 9-12, although some credits may be earned at the middle school level. Credits earned in middle school do NOT count in the high school GPA.

  • All students must meet North Carolina graduation standards and testing requirements in addition to course requirements.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to make certain that the courses they are enrolled in meet the requirements of graduation as well as those of any college the student plans to attend. The school counselors are available to assist students and their parents in this process. 

  • The courses in the catalog are included for informational and planning purposes. All courses are not guaranteed to be offered.



Perquimans County High School operates on a block schedule system. Each semester (Fall/Spring), students are enrolled in four 90-minute instructional “blocks” or classes. Ideally, two of the four classes are “core” classes. A core class refers to a course that is specifically required for graduation. Core classes are generally English, Math, Science, and Social Studies courses. In most cases, students have the opportunity to earn four units of credit each semester for a total of eight credits for the academic year.


Course Selection

During the Spring semester, rising 9th - 12th grade students will have the opportunity to make requests for courses they would like to take during the following school year. These requests are used to develop the student’s schedule for the next academic year. Student schedules will be made available before the beginning of the school year. Students are expected to follow their schedule beginning on the first day of school.


Schedule Changes

School counselors will be available to meet with students and parents as needed to discuss schedule changes. Schedule change requests must be made in writing using the form provided in the student services office within the first 10 days of each semester. Students are expected to follow the original schedule until a new schedule is received from the school counselor. Schedule change requests are not guaranteed to be fulfilled unless there is an error or the change is due to graduation requirements. Courses dropped after the first ten days of the semester may be marked “withdraw/fail.” This applies to all courses, including dual credit college courses.

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